Save the Earth my ass
Just got an email from a friend asking me to go the Al Gore’s website and sign a petition that he will present to Congress when he testifies on the climate crisis on March 21st. (The website is:
I went to the website and signed my name, but that’s not my point. The email subject was “The Next Step to Save Our Earth.” While I think we should continue to take action to change the direction we as a society and culture are moving, I think part of the problem with the climate comes from us believing that we can save the Earth.
I don't believe the earth needs us to save it. It'll be fine long after we're gone. Different, but fine. Just as it's always been. However, if we plan to stick around, then something needs to be done. Acting like "stewards" of the Earth rather than guests has gotten us into the problem in the first place.
George Carlin has long said that the Earth, which he has also referred to as "Our Mother," doesn't need us, and will do just fine without us, repairing any damage we've done once we die off. He postulates that the only reason for our existance on this planet was to give it something that it couldn't create naturally, plastic, and now that we've done that, it will kill us off with the numerous "Hot Spots" of disease we keep cracking open everytime we cut down a forest.
Bill Hicks, equally brilliant but given to more puthy statements, simply referred to humans as "a virus with shoes."
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