Tuesday, November 15, 2005

I survived!

So it was 134 meters, which while not the highest bungee jump in the world, is still plenty high enough. (As it turns out, there are higher, but you don't fall the entire height, which is to say, they use approximately the same length cord they used where I went.)

Here's why it's scarier than skydiving. Looking down from a plane, because you're so high up, it's unreal. Farms and such look like a patchwork quilt and the like. If you've flown in a plane and looked out the window, you know what I mean.

But bungee jumping at 134 meters... When you look down, it looks like a river and it looks scary. I'm not particularly afraid of heights, but I was terrified. I wasn't sure I could do it. I mean, what kind of moron jumps off of ANYTHING that's 134 meters in the air.

Apparently, this kind of moron.

I screamed the whole way down, bounced once, then again, pulled a cord to release my ankles (I was still attached at the waist via a body harness) and was pulled up rightside up.

It was worth every penny.

And I got the DVD. : ) To be screened upon return (along with our pictures. We're going on 600+ at this point, so we're planning on setting up an automatic slide show we'll play on the TV during a party at our new pad so y'all don't have to sit through a slide show from hell.)

See you soon!

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Road update

For those who check my blog, but not Megan's, here is a link to the latest road update:


And that's just a taste. It's been an adventure.