Wednesday, March 30, 2005

How the Eagle can avoid ANYTHING

You may think I'm going for the title of "Most Infrequently Updated Blog," but I am not. I simply have this reaction to most things (as I still work 62 hours a week; ah, what a gloriously useful excuse), which is:

It'll take too long.

But screw that. It's my blog and it's time to blog. ("Blog" seems like one of those universal words that can be used as a noun, adjective, verb, etc. Like "fuck" and "smurf.")

I've been thinking a lot about my fiancee's and my's plans for our honeymoon. And as I read and think about it, a particular phenomenon has been happening. As I imagine traveling and relive some of my earlier explorations, the remembered smell of those far off places has been coming back to me. Riding the "L" smells like the streets of Bangkok. Walking in Lincoln Square smells like the college I lived at in Seoul.

I think I'm having these experiences because I'm actually present in the moment, something I'm not terribly adept at being. In fact, one of my goals for the trip is to become facile at just being present in the moment, doing what I'm doing and being where I'm being. So when there is "nothing" to do, I won't pick up a book to distract myself. The flip side is that, instead of reading because I can't stand down time, when I'm reading, I'll actually be reading, not avoiding seemingly vacuous moments. THAT would be a breakthrough. And I can see what a profound difference it will make in my experience of my life. To be present in everything I do.

What's more, I could take on being present now, and not wait for the trip to have it be a priority.



I'll wait for the trip.

Would you hand me my book?

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

The Eagle's Very First Blog

Working 62 hours a week (though not for long) I don't have a great deal of free time, most of which I spend trying to relax and/or generate the energy to plan a wedding, a trip around the world, get a new job (to replace the one I love, but am not willing to do for 62 hours per 7 day period), spend time with my fiance, practice my magic, etc.

What's my point?

So the last thing I do (given I don't have an internet connection at work) is spend time surfin' the net, let along "blogging."

However, a few of my close friends, big fans of surfing the net and the like, have started blogging and, what the hell, I'm joining them.

Now, I promise (other than this blog) to only blog about that which I personally find interesting, thought provoking, humorous or the like. No grocery lists, random descriptions of my day (at least, not if they aren't entertaining), etc.

And really, the thing I find most interesting about the few blogs I've read so far is that you get to see inside the mind and heart of the blogger. Most of us, at best, seem only to "check in" with family and friends, without any idea of what's really going on for them at any given moment in time. This is not a new phenomenon, as everybody knows your neighbor doesn't REALLY want to hear your honest or complete answer to the question "How are you? But the opportunity of the blog, the exhibitionist's diary, as a shortcut to knowing people a bit more authentically, is one I appreciate.

I love hearing/reading people speak/write what's really there for them, in any given moment, whether related to momentus events or just the impression they got in an instant while stepping off the train.

Beats the hell out of the daily summary, anyway.